Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had as lovely a day as we had. We began with brunch with my mom and Grandmother before opening presents. The kids happily played with their new things, Dale excercised with his new Wii Fit. We all just kicked back for awhile before all meeting for dinner at my sister's house.

On our way home, it seemed bittersweet. It has all come and gone. Time moves on to the next thing. I would like to keep this feeling around all year. There wasn't a lot under the tree but what there was was exactally what we all wanted. We enjoyed each other's company and were together with family. I think that's what it should be like. Tomorrow we keep the fun going with friends. I'm so excited!!! We are going to serve soups and play games. I'm totally looking forward to great company and delicious food.

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