Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life in High Speed

The horses are out of the gate and they're off! Things used to run in slow motion around here but no longer. The semester is in full swing and homework commenses! I've already had and submitted homework and just finished more homework. The knitting has taken a bit of a backseat but it's still there. If you're good boys and girls, I might even take some pictures! REALLY!
Ravelympics is about to start in conjunction with the Olympics. I shall be embarking on a trip to Estonia to participate. I know, I know, the Olympics are not in Estonia but the project is from there. I shall be traveling the path of many more fabulous and talented knitters than I as I attempt to conquer the wild Nub!
Stay tuned- will the homework beast devour me in an ever growing pile of books and papers? Will I get lost and hopelessly tangled in Estonia?

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